marshall mcluhan posed four questions...
... for us to ask about every form of technology. Even though, I'm sure, many people have asked these four questions about the internet and sub-technologies of it, One of the questions is "what does it enhance?". ask this question about the internet... the written word? possibly. but not any more so that audio and video technologies. What the internet enhances is the human mind. it is the ultimate thinking tool. We browse the web to be "entertained", sure. However, the massive amount of information on the internet aren't just about entertainment. there is useful information. we use the internet as a vast form of memory. we retrieve information as if we are requesting it from our own heads, and sometimes get it just as fast. sometimes faster. the internet is a billion people all sharing the same memory. Now, for another of marshal mcluhan's questions...
What does it make obsolete?
What does it make obsolete?
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