Thursday, January 12, 2006

toys, toys, toys....

...every time i look around, there's a new toy to play with. for a while now, i've been playing with javascript toys. they're fun. for instance, did you know that you can change the value of something on a page by typing in javascript into the title bar? i call it "javascript injection".

for instance, type this into the title bar:

ok, so you can use javascript. How far can you go?
javascript:m='';for(i in document){m+=i+'\n'}alert(m);

ooh, complete access to the dom. nice. why do we want this?
well, how about looping through all of the hidden form elements on a page?
so what? you may say.
how about changing the value of a form field?
so what? you may callously say again.
well, what if that form field was, say, the price of something to be purchased?
depending on how they determined the price on the other end...

Monday, January 02, 2006

Hackers Rebel Against Spy Cams

I'm convinced that hackers will be the next revolutionaries.
Hackers Rebel Against Spy Cams: "Wired is running an article looking at the little ways in which Austrian technology users are striking back against surveillance. From the article: 'Members of the organization worked out a way to intercept the camera images with an inexpensive, 1-GHz satellite receiver. The signal could then be descrambled using hardware designed to enhance copy-protected video as it's transferred from DVD to VHS tape. The Quintessenz activists then began figuring out how to blind the cameras with balloons, lasers and infrared devices. And, just for fun, the group created an anonymous surveillance system that uses face-recognition software to place a black stripe over the eyes of people whose images are recorded.'
