Saturday, March 11, 2006

Do talking heads...

...even TRY to do research into what they are talking about?

i'm currently listening (while I'm typing) to an idiot. his name is michael groff. He has a talk radio show on the internet.

now, far be it from me to call anyone an idiot. well, maybe not so far. actually, i think everyone's an idiot. but i especially think this guy is an idiot.


well, first off, i disagree with him on way too many things. don't get me wrong, i realize that i'm not an MIT canidate. i failed the test to get into mensa. i can't solve a rubik's cube without the help on an online guide, and i'm a horrible speller. however, i'm not that dumb. i have to have gotten one right, at least, but i didn't agree with anything he said. not one thing. either i'm an idiot or he is, and i'm more inclined to think that he is. here is my evidence:

he asked why the democrats should be allowed to respond to the state of the union address. "When did that start?" he asked. The implication seamed to be that the liberal media, you know, those huge corporations that own almost everything we hear, see, and read, including him, the liberal media only let them have a response because they are democrats. "when did this start?" i asked myself. unlike groff, though, i tool the 14.5 seconds to type in the words "state of the union response history" into the google search bar. first response: wikipedia entry. when did they start the responses to the state of the union? 1966. Johnson was president. yeah. a democrat.

then he made fun of black people. not just any black person, but Ray Nagin. (He's the mayor of new orleans.) well, he was giving a speech, calling on the black community to work together to rebuild new orleans. groff, over Nagin's speech, started making "uhhn, yeah, yeah" noises, like a rapper, you know, before they rap and can't think of anything else to say. i must confess, the pure retched idiocy and obviously inapropriateness made me laught my ass off. however, i still feel that this qualifies me as being much more intelligent than he is. i realize that intelligence is subjective, and any test for intelligence is completely arbitrary. (at least i like to think that ever since i failed the test to get into mensa), but he failed the first stupid test, imnsho.

let's see, what else did he say? He said that things are so bad now that he could get sued by a listener if he said that he ate chinese food and didnt' actually eat it that day.

then he made insulted john stewart. he said he just "didnt' get it". he doesn't understand john stewart's humor. what a moron. i can understand having a different sense of humor, but just not getting it?

he said that he never saw the daily show because it was on during the day (dayly show, i shit you not) when nobody's home. jesus christ, dude, how much crack did your mother need to smoke?

other gems that came out of his mouth:
"only women and homosexuals watch the oscars"
"...when terrorists attack the U.S.S Cole" (in case you missed that, a terrorist is defined as someone who attacks a civilian target, not a military one")
"i'm not stupid"