Wednesday, June 15, 2005

to be better than bourgeois...

is to be human. bourgeois is less than human. it is giving up your sovereignty and liberty for a lifestyle that's been sold to you. Of course it makes you miserable, that's why the bourgeois drink beer, watch tv, take prosac, and do anything else that will take thier minds off of thier lives. Why spend precious time thinking about a job that has no meaning when you can just watch a game on television, drink a beer, take a prosac, and ignor your marital problems. Well, I say fuck tv, fuck sports, fuck marriage, fuck suburbia, fuck bourgeois. Better to be a failure at something you're passionate about than to be a complete success at being a miserable bore.

of course, fear makes people bourgeois, and I'm affraid. am i headed for the suburbs? sure looks that way. maybe i'm just a bourgeois hipacrit, another bourgeois cliche. then again, maybe it's not being bourgeois that makes people miserable. I'm miserable, and I'm not bourgeios. I'm miserable because I see what bourgeois really empty lifestyle. A commercial. A plastic piece of crap that gets dirty, making you want a new one, but it's a lifestyle, and you can't buy a new one. The fact that I see this so clearly makes me different.

I'm post-bourgeois. I'm better than bourgeois.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

we live in a world of infinite information...

...and we attempt to consume much more than is possible. we attempt to remedy this by adding greater efficiency to our levels of abstraction of consuming this information. we try to make things better, ironically, by making information easier to consume. RSS feeds. podcasts. specialized searches. this is all in an effort to consume information for what greater purpose? we are trying to internalize something. we are struggling with our own identity and are searching for it online. we're shopping for a brand new karma. we see the world without us in it, and are looking for something that we want to identify with. it would seam that the rest is shit. of course, the effect is transient, so this is chasing after wind, from desire, we strive toward satisfaction, and from satisfaction, we leap to desire.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

marshall mcluhan posed four questions...

... for us to ask about every form of technology. Even though, I'm sure, many people have asked these four questions about the internet and sub-technologies of it, One of the questions is "what does it enhance?". ask this question about the internet... the written word? possibly. but not any more so that audio and video technologies. What the internet enhances is the human mind. it is the ultimate thinking tool. We browse the web to be "entertained", sure. However, the massive amount of information on the internet aren't just about entertainment. there is useful information. we use the internet as a vast form of memory. we retrieve information as if we are requesting it from our own heads, and sometimes get it just as fast. sometimes faster. the internet is a billion people all sharing the same memory. Now, for another of marshal mcluhan's questions...

What does it make obsolete?

Saturday, June 04, 2005

I just had a great post...

it was something about how our society is changing because of the availability of information. the more people are online, the more they are able to access old information, as well as new information. they can find the latest stuff, they can find stuff from 20 years ago, and they can find it sometimes on the same page. the world is changing because the way we get information is changing. time is less significant now. it was more poetic than that when I originally posted it, but my computer crashed and i lost my post.